Karma History (updated 6/28/22)
Our Breeding Trials;
2013: First known Karma are produced from breeding of a T- x T+ producing Karma and normal (all offspring are double het T+ and T-)
2014: T- (Kam/Indo) x Het T+ (VPI) produces a clutch of Karma and normals
2015: Karma producing T- (Kam/Indo) x T- (Kam/Indo) producing 100% T-, NO KARMA
2016: Karma producing T- (Kam/Indo) from above bred to a Normal (GKR) produces all visually normal offspring. NO KARMA
2017: Karma producing T- (Kam/Indo) x Het T- (Kam/Indo) produces T- and visual normals. NO KARMA
2018: Karma (GKR) x Het T+ (VPI) produces Karma, T+ and visually normal offspring
2019: Karma (GKR) x Normal (GKR) produces all visually normal offspring. NO KARMA
2019: Non- Karma sibling from 2013 (OG) x Same (OG) produces T+, T- and normal NO KARMA
2019: Karma (GKR) x Karma (OG) produces all Karma, T+ and T-
Did you know we have over seven years working with and developing this GENETIC anomaly! We were the first to successfully reproduce this trait proving it genetic and by far have the most breeding experience with them.
We are also responsible for the Karma name and have the largest private collection of these animals.
Originally produced by John Childers (deochild) in 2013 by
breeding a T- (Kam/Indo) to a T+ albino (Chris Lipps). Roughly half of the
babies came out with a substantially different coloration than that of the
standard wild type of P Brongersmai. We purchased this entire clutch.
Example of Karma het t+/- hatchling with sibling normal het t+/-
Example of Karma het t+/- hatchling with sibling normal het t+/-
I'd like to say thank you to John Childers for trusting us with this project and to Matt Turner for sharing his breeding data. His data in conjunction with ours has allowed us to get a much better grasp on what's happening here.
Karma originates from breeding certain bloodlines of T- and T+ gene carrying animals. All breeding data to this point shows that the Karma is recessive and allelic with T+ and T-. Karma requires the combination of T- and T+ genes to manifest itself. Once manifested Karma can be reproduced by breeding in to T+ gene carriers or to visual Karma.
Description: Vibrant background coloration with varying grades of orange. The areas where black would normally be present are actually a very deep, dark purple that is difficult to photograph but becomes more evident as they age.
Known Breedings and Outcomes;
Karma x Normal = No Karma, all visually Normal offspring
Karma x Het T+ Albino = Karma, T+ and Normal
Karma x T+ Albino = (our only clutch of these died during incubation)
Karma x Karma = Karma, T+ and T- Albinos (No normals)
Karma x Het T- =
If allelic it should not be possible to produce a Karma T+ or T-
Currently there are no known Karma to Albino (+/-) hatches. We've tried for several years and have been wildly unsuccessful getting good eggs and hatching them.
Now that there are visual albinos on the ground from these pairings there will be more breeding trials.
Our Breeding Trials;
2013: First known Karma are produced from breeding of a T- x T+ producing Karma and normal (all offspring are double het T+ and T-)
2014: T- (Kam/Indo) x Het T+ (VPI) produces a clutch of Karma and normals
2015: Karma producing T- (Kam/Indo) x T- (Kam/Indo) producing 100% T-, NO KARMA
2016: Karma producing T- (Kam/Indo) from above bred to a Normal (GKR) produces all visually normal offspring. NO KARMA
2017: Karma producing T- (Kam/Indo) x Het T- (Kam/Indo) produces T- and visual normals. NO KARMA
2018: Karma (GKR) x Het T+ (VPI) produces Karma, T+ and visually normal offspring
2019: Karma (GKR) x Normal (GKR) produces all visually normal offspring. NO KARMA
2019: Non- Karma sibling from 2013 (OG) x Same (OG) produces T+, T- and normal NO KARMA
2019: Karma (GKR) x Karma (OG) produces all Karma, T+ and T-
2020: Non-Karma sibling from 2013 (OG) x Same (OG) produces T+, T- and normal NO KARMA
2022: Karma (GKR) x Karma (OG) produces all Karma, T- and…….
2022: Karma (OG) x Het T- produces …….